Ahoy, me mateys! And felicitations to Cap’n Fatwarrrrr and Lady Bilge Water K! May ye have many moarrrrrr!
Thank ye kindly for the victuals, Cap’n Fatwarrrr, let me peruse me Pirate Food pyramid -- one must keep ship-shape, don’t ye know!
Hoisting anchor to take BilgeWaterK for an unaccustomed midday meal out in celebration. (A buffet, thus eliminating my scullery and cook duties this evening; har!)
Gaaaaaaaack! What a week!
I haz just this time for Fatwa & Brenda:
And Paddy, I am so disgusted with how you’re being treated I can’t adequately describe my feelings. Except:
::::those rat-soup eating bastards::::
Arr gh Grabbin’ Grrreetings!
Arrgh secondies!
Good morning, Rabbit!
Happy anniversary, Fatwa and Brenda! Arrgh.
Avast there from Happy Port Larryville, ye scurvy sea-gerbils!
Ahoy, RabBeet and Sven!
Maaaaan…I can’t even work up a good “arrrrrrrrr!” yet; needs moar
rumcoffee.Och…I see there’s t’be nae secession fer Scotland t’day.
Criminy…once again, I cannae believe the number of morons who lined-up all night to purchase new iPhones the first day of release. WTF!!?!?
Some appropriately-themed NOMS for everyone!
Yar, me hearties! Thanks to ye, Sven Teh Viking!
Arr, Rabbit!
Ahoy, me mateys! And felicitations to Cap’n Fatwarrrrr and Lady Bilge Water K! May ye have many moarrrrrr!
Thank ye kindly for the victuals, Cap’n Fatwarrrr, let me peruse me Pirate Food pyramid -- one must keep ship-shape, don’t ye know!
Thankee kindly, Cap’n “Dead-Eye” O’Furnijur!
Hoisting anchor to take BilgeWaterK for an unaccustomed midday meal out in celebration. (A buffet, thus eliminating my scullery and cook duties this evening; har!)
Mission accomplished; Operation Hibachi Grill and Supreme Buffet was a resounding success!
Also, delicious.
Gaaaaaaaack! What a week!

I haz just this time for Fatwa & Brenda:
And Paddy, I am so disgusted with how you’re being treated I can’t adequately describe my feelings. Except:
::::those rat-soup eating bastards::::
Aw, t’anks, TeX! That cartoon elicited a double chortle and is most appropriate.
Mmmmmmm…rat soup. (I think they only had won ton and hot & sour where we dined earlier…but I dinnae look closely.)
Sorry you’re having a carpy week. 🙁
Friday? Where did this week go?
Happy Anniversarrrrry, Arrrrbuckles!
Cheers, K8-E!
Dunno where this week went, either.