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Just Sven
9 years ago

That’s a black tail on that cat, right?

Czar: good work if you can get it.

Me and Mrs Sven are off for a weekend of frolic with some small furry creatures. Will take pictures.


Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Happy Caturday from thus-far-Ebola-free Larryville, GN!!

Sven --

Hope you and teh missus have a lovely frolic…perhaps some gamboling, as well.

Mac --

Glad to read Elena’s doing better; hope she’s caught-up on her telenovelas. Sorry to hear about your back -- doubly-so, as I’ve been fighting-off lower back spasms since Tuesday with some meds leftover from last year’s bout.

The Gwinnett County Sheriff since before I moved here is one R.L. “Butch” Conway. I read this morning that the new Gwinnett County Police Chief is named A.A. “Butch” Ayers. WTF?!?

“Come and get me, Butchez!”

I think Il Douchey ought to just cut to the chase and appoint Ebola as our new Ebola Czar.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Happy Caturday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning Sven and Fatwa!

Sven -- I hope you and Mrs. Sven have a wonderful, relaxing, rejuvenating time.
Mac -- I’m glad LM is doing better -- now take care of yourself.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sad “har!”

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