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Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Well-played thread pic, Mac!

Just Sven
9 years ago

Good morning and happy Sunday!

Paddy, have you thought about going public with this whole sordid mess? Or at least making the threat of doing so? Name names, recount incidents, go well beyond just the specific charges, but also publicize other examples of bureaucratic incompetence that you’ve experienced over the years? Make the offer of what you want/need to move on in your career, or the whole thing comes out and let the chips fall where they may.

This isnt about repaying evil with evil, but rather telling the truth to a larger audience. It’s a book or at least a very long article.

I’d specifically name the students that made these allegations because how would that help them get into the college of their choice?

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Sven -- I’ll give it some thought. I was really surprised at the response I got, since the person has retired and shouldn’t be worried about things affecting her career.

Just Sven
9 years ago

Watching the talking heads this morning debate the wisdom and legality of Obama’s upcoming illegal alien proposals. Can he legally do what he is reportedly planning--selective enforcement of the immigration laws that will allow millions of illegals to stay here and not worry? I think he probably can; he’s already doing it in states like Colorado where federal drug laws are being violated and DOJ is just ignoring it it--but what I don’t hear asked at all is that if this president can do this, what’s to stop the next president from reversing it and making it his top enforcement priority to immediately deport everybody he can?

Just because you can do something doesnt mean that you should do it, but that’s lost on the Left. I think Obama is acting now because he can’t accept being out of the spotlight and he really doesnt have anything else going that makes him the center of attention.

Just Sven
9 years ago

I enjoy few teevee shows, but have really liked AMC’s Hell on Wheels this season. Last night’s episode was a tearjerker as Ruth not only accepted her fate, but insisted on it. Well done with no punches pulled.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’morning, from slightly-warmer-for-a-day Larryville, GN!

Hai, Paddy and Sven!

Mr. O’ --

Your former cow-worker’s bloodless response to a reference request well and truly pisses me off. Alas, my ire won’t make a damned bit of difference. The whole business sucks and I’m quite curious as to who / what is really driving it -- as opposed to the bullshit they claim is the reason.

This is moral cowardice and seems so common now. Is character even taught now?

Can’t answer that. I largely learned it from my parents (especially Dad), who led by example. I was also fortunate to know -- with absolute certainty -- that if I was morally correct in an action, my folks had my back, which helped me to develop a spine…and a “bad attitude”.

My parents were not shy about such things -- even in the face of fairly serious threats. But as a kid, I saw that many grown-ups who agreed with them on certain matters were too afraid to publicly take a stand on same. Based on that, as well as nearly six decades of “life experience”, I’m not sure moral cowardice was much more common fifty years ago…or even earlier. (Else we would not have tales like “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.)

Sven --

Cheers for the heads-up on teh Valley Relics Museum, being one myself. 😉

Also like your suggestion for Paddy; as Justice Brandeis said, “Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.”

…what’s to stop the next president from reversing it and making it his top enforcement priority to immediately deport everybody he can?

The phony-baloney accusations of “RAAAACIIIISM!” by the usual suspects and their hordes of flying monkeys.

It is demonstrably clear we live in an increasingly lawless, tyrannical country; unless and until a critical mass of people are willing to take an unequivocal stand, this will continue. I believe far too many Americans are afraid to seize the moral and legal authority granted to “We the People” by our Founders in their writings, up to and including the Constitution. It’s well beyond time for a second “shot heard round the world”. One which needs to be particularly loud inside the Beltway.

But then, I’m a “radical”. 😉

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I was really surprised at the response I got, since the person has retired and shouldn’t be worried about things affecting her career.

True…but there are potential “social” consequences and too many people fear ostracism by their peer group.

Mom’s mother -- who agreed in principle with the post-war civil rights movement -- was concerned that my folks outspokenness might cause her some social blow-back…in another city. Her stance reduced to “could you possibly do the right thing more quietly?” This caused some real friction between her and Dad (whom she adored and respected) when I was a kid.

And, to a lesser degree, between Dad and his own mother. Particularly before they were both naturalized, which is understandable; nonetheless…

9 years ago

Well, I’m getting a little Huffy looking at that picture. Sure, cute dogs are full of Schwinn on the internet, but one bad turn, and those dog’s Mongoose’s are cooked.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  joeschmo1of3

Hai, Joe…Happy Birfday 1/21 to you and teh bros!

Also: I see what you’ve Dunelt there.

9 years ago

Thanks Fatwa!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  joeschmo1of3

Happy birthday to our favorite Schmo, not to be confused with our favorite Shmoo

and your brothers, two!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

and your brothers, two!


Just Sven
9 years ago

Happy birthday, Mr. Schmoe!