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9 years ago

OOOOOOO grabbin’!

9 years ago

Greetings, all!
The BBQ dinner was a success. The food was good and plenty of it. While it won’t replace my top favorite, or even my second favorite, it was pretty good. And about 1,000% better than the crappy one it replaced. I chose sliced beef & BW got ribs, which means that I had mine & half of hers. Ha! She can only eat a little bit at a time, while I can empty out entire buffets.

Right now I’m making a big ol’ pot of pintos. Cornbread & sliced tomatoes & sliced onions will be on the plates tonight. Envious yet? Ha!

My mood is much improved from yesterday. Turns out, all I needed was some smoked meat to regain my life/balance/harmony…..

See ya later after you’ve had a Jerriffic day.


Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago
Reply to  Rabbit

all I needed was some smoked meat

I tried that once. Will. Not. Do. That. Again!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Mornin’, GN!

Hiya, RabBeet!

Glad the new smoked meat emporium was good and improved your mood. (Reading about it has me craving pulled pork and/or brisket.)


Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago

Reading about it has me craving pulled pork

I woke up this morning craving pulled pork…so I did!

9 years ago

Turns out, all I needed was some smoked meat to regain my life/balance/harmony…..

I’ve been cogitating on that for a couple of days now: brisket or butt? Hmmm. I want to try a brisket, but we’re having guests on Sunday, and I’m loathe to experiment in “public”.
(then again, it’s not like the dogs would turn their noses up at a mistake…)

I’ll see what calls to me at Wal-Mart this afternoon.

But speaking of inadequate BBQ joints…
Last summer, a Dickie’s BBQ opened in our little burg.
Now, just about everyone out here has a smoker or a pit or something.

Typical of our town, the first two weeks were jam-packed. Then word filtered out that the food just wasn’t worth the wait.

And then, the *real* crime: Dickie’s stated they smoked their meats on-site and had the cutest little wood rack to prove it.

Problem was, no one ever saw smoke escaping the building. And literally less than a mile away is Big Daddy’s BBQ, and when they light off their smoker in the morning, you’d think there’s a four-alarm fire nearby. It took almost six months after their renovation for people to realize that it was just the smoker NOT a fire, and to stop calling 911.

Dickie’s lasted less than six months. Who knows what will go in that spot next? It was a Wendy’s and a KFC -- I wouldn’t mind a Hardee’s…

Other than that, I’m glad I’m off a little early today, and get a break from work. Coffee anyone?

Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

I’m glad I’m off a little early today

Me, too.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

brisket or butt?

I’ll take your butt…although it’s not my first choice.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, TeX, and Fatwa!

All this talk about smoked meat is making me hungry!

Instead of going to my MIL’s for Independence Day festivities, we’re having her and some friends over. Everyone has ribs on sale at the moment, but I’ve never smoked ribs on my grill and as TeX said, there’s that thing about experimenting on the public. I’d go with a tri-tip, but the price has gotten out of hand. I guess I’ll just run out to the market and do like TeX -- see what calls out to me. On second thought, do I really want a piece of meat that is talking to me?

Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago

On second thought, do I really want a piece of meat that is talking to me?

Woody says, Hi!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

No, I will not pull his string!

Barrett Wellman(tm)
9 years ago

I love youse guys. You’re soooo easy!

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

…but not cheap!
Or when I am cheap, I’m not easy.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, TeX, Jerry and Paddy!

Just got back from Waddlemart / Dolemart; ’twas a delight watching people stock-up on July 4th comestibles which we think are too expensive…on our dime.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Och…Walmart kilt teh thread.

9 years ago

Dickie’s is the absolute worst alledged BBQ in the world. Frankly, I’d rather eat BBQ from Denny’s, IHOP, or a hobo camp. That was what I told BW the other day “Whatever it tastes like, It can’t be as bad as Dickie’s.” Dickie’s is like BBQ for people that don’t know what BBQ is. Did I mention I hate Dickie’s?

Paddy, I can grill, but I can’t smoke meat. I just slow-bake my ribs in the oven. They are fall-off-the-bone tender, but they don’t have the smoky bark that I love. Ha! Maybe my ribs are for people that don’t know what smoked ribs is. But they still taste better than Dickie’s!!

9 years ago

This has been another long, hard day.
About 12:30 today, ZS’ friend called to tell me that she & her son took ZS to the hospital. ZS had a stroke during the night, woke up blind in one eye & they were in the ER. I talked to ZS for a few minutes. She was lucid & had no paralysis. She wanted me to wait til BW got home from work to tell her! I said that I couldn’t do that & called BW right away. While BW was on her way home from work, I called Sis to see if she had notified The Good Nephew . Of course not. As soon as BW got home, we got in my truck & headed for the hospital. She called GN on they way (he was at work, too) & he flew out of there & to the hospital.
When we got there, ZS was in the exact same ER room that Teh Mother had been in. Weird, huh? There were about 14 ER rooms. But there she was. BW was so distraught that she didn’t even realize it until much later.
ZS blood pressure was 235/178 when we got there & this was after they had given her meds. She had been there a few hours before we were even called. They had already done a CT scan. It showed previous strokes. plural. strokes.
They sent her up to a room & we stayed around waiting for her to be taken for an MRI. That didn’t happen until after 8:30, by then we were on our way out the door. The Worthless Granson came & was going to spend the night. The Good Niece finally got there (after a long workday & having to drive Popcorn Boy to work. Sis dragged in about 7:30, high as a kite. It was all we could take. GN dragged himself home when we did. We called back up there & WG said no doctors had come to say what the MRI showed. So maybe we can find out more in the morning.
A nurse did say that it was something called “malignant hypertension” high blood pressure that hits hard & fast & does damage. If the stroke was a TIA, she would get the vision back. If it was a stroke, she has a 50-50 chance of regaining vision. She has had high blood pressure for years & doesn’t medicate for it. Also, she had 3 drugs in her system. BW & GN were looking on the computer while the ER doc was showing them what the CT scan said. They caught the words cannabis, benzo-something, and missed the last one. Of course, ZS is telling them that she just takes asprin & ibprophren. Ha!
As you might imagine, BW is a bit of a wreck.
We didn’t get home until almost 9 to feed the cat & ourselves.

Can you believe this? I lived through it & it is almost too much to believe.

So before we go offline, thanks in advance for the thoughts & prayers that I know will be winging our way.

See ya on the otherside.