Our Jackson passed away today at approx. 4:30. Known variously as Jackson, The Jacksonator, Foo Dog, Landshark, Orca, Snub-nosed Farthound and Ooo’s A Good Boy Then, he was a joy to his family and random acquaintances (excluding squirrels and cats).
From his first ride to his forever home (celebrated in family lore as The Fartiest Ride Ever) to his last day, he was a joy and a Good Boy. He never failed to protect his family and guide the youngest pack members.
He will be missed; never forgotten and always beloved.
And the rest of the pack was able to hold him until the end, which is a goodness.
I’m glad I got to share so many years with him; he was a good little soul (with just the right amount of obstreperousness and smartassery to make him interesting and a lot of fun).
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Our furry babies give us so much love and joy and ask for so little in return. Jackson was blessed to have such a wonderful family. I’m glad everyone was able to be with him at the end.
I am so sorry for your loss. I do know the pain and wish I could ease it. He could not have had a better home, family and life. You were a blessing to him.
Well, HELL!
I am so sorry that Jackson is gone.
After Lucy and Nikki went, Jackson was my internet Boston.
Oh, I know the aching emptiness y’all feel right now.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
Slowly, ever so slowly, it will lessen.
My thoughts and prayers are with y’all, and especially the small relatives.
For the record, the “whole pack” was just Brenda and me.
And we had nine months to prepare ourselves; Jackson was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and a heart murmur in November of last year. We were grateful for every extra day.
And we’re very appreciative of all your kind words and thoughts.
G’day, GN!
Is that a bascatball hoop in teh thread GIF, Mac?
Sad. Teh guy throwing the ball missed the cat!
Also hai, Sven!
Good morning, Fatwa!
Off to work--you all have a Jerry-wonderful day!
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
That’s all I got.
That and a need for coffee.
Hai, Paddy!
Well, that explains the weird taste in my mouth.
Oh…you didn’t want that extra-furry?
No, I’ve never been into furries.
Criminy, Paddy…you are a very wrong Gerbil.
Our Jackson passed away today at approx. 4:30. Known variously as Jackson, The Jacksonator, Foo Dog, Landshark, Orca, Snub-nosed Farthound and Ooo’s A Good Boy Then, he was a joy to his family and random acquaintances (excluding squirrels and cats).
From his first ride to his forever home (celebrated in family lore as The Fartiest Ride Ever) to his last day, he was a joy and a Good Boy. He never failed to protect his family and guide the youngest pack members.
He will be missed; never forgotten and always beloved.
And the rest of the pack was able to hold him until the end, which is a goodness.
I’m glad I got to share so many years with him; he was a good little soul (with just the right amount of obstreperousness and smartassery to make him interesting and a lot of fun).
I’m so very sorry for your loss. Our furry babies give us so much love and joy and ask for so little in return. Jackson was blessed to have such a wonderful family. I’m glad everyone was able to be with him at the end.
Hugs for all y’all.
I am so sorry for your loss. I do know the pain and wish I could ease it. He could not have had a better home, family and life. You were a blessing to him.
Thanks, Mac.
He was a blessing to us, too; I’m glad the whole pack was with him at the end.
Paddy --
Sorry I missed your comment above earlier; thank you, too.
So very sorry Brenda and Fatwa.
Well, HELL!
I am so sorry that Jackson is gone.
After Lucy and Nikki went, Jackson was my internet Boston.
Oh, I know the aching emptiness y’all feel right now.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
Slowly, ever so slowly, it will lessen.
My thoughts and prayers are with y’all, and especially the small relatives.
Thanks, RabBeet and Sven.
For the record, the “whole pack” was just Brenda and me.
And we had nine months to prepare ourselves; Jackson was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and a heart murmur in November of last year. We were grateful for every extra day.
And we’re very appreciative of all your kind words and thoughts.
Thank you all very much. I’m feeling kind of inarticulate, and appreciate your words and thoughts so much.