It’s odd that when a white guy kills a back guy, the post-story is all about racism. On the other hand, when a black guy kills a couple of white people and tells everyone that he is doing it to start a race war, the post-story is all about the need for more gun control.
It’s almost like there’s different rules in play here.
If there’s one thing I know about Sea World, it’s don’t get the churros. Seagulls will snag ’em right out of your hands and scare the bejeebus out of small children doing it.
Also, when you’re six years old, and your parents let you ride the gondola across Mission Bay, DON’T get off on the other side and walk back to the park.
Hearing your name over the park PA system kinda lets you know your parents are having a nervous breakdown.
My dad refused to go back to Sea World for a little more than two decades after I pulled that stunt.
:: shrug ::
what can I say? I’m afraid of heights.
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
We’ve had some sorely-needed rain out here on the SE Central Texas prairie, and the temps have cooled just a little bit. It almost felt like fall yesterday.
But even with the rain, Mr. X was called out on two grass fires. There’s still some fuel out there.
Other than that, we’re just rollin’ along out here. I *finally* finished the afghan I started crocheting for the VFD fundraiser two years ago. I’m undecided whether it’s going into the auction -- I may be my own harshest critic, but srsly, who wants to overhear, “Well bless her heart, she tried,”?
It may go in as an anonymous donation if I can get Mr. X to promise to keep his mouth shut.
But NOW I’m starting on a beginner quilt. We’ll see how that turns out.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX and Sven!
Sven -- it sounds like you’re in the proper mood for another day at the bestest place to work, ever!
I’m sure the SJW’s will be calling for a ban on the LGBT Pride flag any day now.
TeX -- they’ve done a remarkable job of discouraging the sea gulls at Sea World. The last time we were there we say a falconer roaming the park, keeping the gulls away.
Slavery’s baaad, m-kay. Even 4,000 year old slavery — the wounds are still so very fresh, m-kay. I might or might not have slaves or slaveholders among my ancestors m-kay. You need to go to sensitivity training re-education camp, m-kay.
Sven, I do hope the lovely Mrs. S is doing better. Is she? And that your job is still as exciting and fulfilling as ever.
Fatwa and BrendaK, I’m so sorry for your loss of Jackson. I still miss Sarah. Although I do hope he wasn’t named after Stonewall or Andrew, ’cause that would be sooo forbidden.
Paddy, I still hate with the heat of a thousand suns your union and the CA school system. I do hope you find a place where you will be happy and appreciated. I’m also sorry about your brother and the tribulations of settling the house.
Oh, OH, and speaking of settling of estates, dear RabBiT, you continue to amaze and confound me. Your and BW’s dedication to family is truly inspiring. You are the bestest of Gerbils.
Mac, thank you so much for keeping the Wheel spinning. The performance of your duties as thread lad are nonpareil. Thank you so much.
Gentle Jerry, posting a few threads is truly nothing compared to your great gift of keeping the Wheel going for us. We are so very grateful to you. For me, the quality of my life would be greatly diminished without my dear friends here. Even though I don’t comment often I am looking in constantly and feel very much like I am with family, except that I don’t really want much to do with most of my blood family. You all are much better!
My buddies! I put this blanket on my desk because the girl cat likes to lay on my mouse hand or keyboard. The other night we had a scroll war where I was trying to scroll down a page with the mouse wheel and she was pressing the key that scrolled up. She was winning so I put the blanket there. She loves it and will settle there if I pat it a few times. She spends hours here. I looked over yesterday and the boy cat had settled on the table. I never heard him climb on. He wanted in on the company. The other cat stays hidden during the day and just comes out at night. We find toys all over the house in the morning. Fun to have cats around the house again. We forget just what characters they are.
I like your solution to the cat-scrolling problem, Mac! If I’m sitting on the coach or in a chair (not at a desk) with my laptop, my cat will climb up on my lap and lay on the keyboard until I put the laptop aside. If I sit in the same place without the laptop, or a book, or the newspaper, the cat ignores me.
Paddy, maybe you could rig up a built in book heater?
My last cat thought it was great when I tried to read on the sofa. She would burrow under or climb over the book and lay on it or in front of it (if I was laying down.)
9 years ago
Late afternoon Greetings!
I want the TeX afghan!!
Or maybe we can auction it off here & donate the money to the VFD?
I will start the bidding at $25. No, I’m not insulting TeX with a low bid. I am prepared to go higher with actual money. If this isn’t a good idea, well forget it.
Heh. FIrst! THis morning I stirke a blow for all Califronians as I get here ahead of the Texans and the Georgians!
And I proudly post without coreecting my spelling or grammar of formatting errors cuz that’s the way I roll from here on out!@
Sven, you are the Helen Keller of teh Wheel.
It’s odd that when a white guy kills a back guy, the post-story is all about racism. On the other hand, when a black guy kills a couple of white people and tells everyone that he is doing it to start a race war, the post-story is all about the need for more gun control.
It’s almost like there’s different rules in play here.
If there’s one thing I know about Sea World, it’s don’t get the churros. Seagulls will snag ’em right out of your hands and scare the bejeebus out of small children doing it.
Also, when you’re six years old, and your parents let you ride the gondola across Mission Bay, DON’T get off on the other side and walk back to the park.
Hearing your name over the park PA system kinda lets you know your parents are having a nervous breakdown.
My dad refused to go back to Sea World for a little more than two decades after I pulled that stunt.
:: shrug ::
what can I say? I’m afraid of heights.
Good Morning EveryGerbillyBody!
We’ve had some sorely-needed rain out here on the SE Central Texas prairie, and the temps have cooled just a little bit. It almost felt like fall yesterday.
But even with the rain, Mr. X was called out on two grass fires. There’s still some fuel out there.
Other than that, we’re just rollin’ along out here. I *finally* finished the afghan I started crocheting for the VFD fundraiser two years ago. I’m undecided whether it’s going into the auction -- I may be my own harshest critic, but srsly, who wants to overhear, “Well bless her heart, she tried,”?
It may go in as an anonymous donation if I can get Mr. X to promise to keep his mouth shut.
But NOW I’m starting on a beginner quilt. We’ll see how that turns out.
Coffee anyone?

TeX, well, bless your heart, you made a good post.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, TeX and Sven!
Sven -- it sounds like you’re in the proper mood for another day at the bestest place to work, ever!
I’m sure the SJW’s will be calling for a ban on the LGBT Pride flag any day now.
TeX -- they’ve done a remarkable job of discouraging the sea gulls at Sea World. The last time we were there we say a falconer roaming the park, keeping the gulls away.
Paddy, BAN ALL FAGS! ‘Cause we’re not smart enough to tell the good ones from the bad/stupid ones.
Oops, I kinda meant Flags.
These are not only bad fags, they’re expensive, too.
GOOD GOD, Ireland? Expensive booze and fags? You just know they’ll start swarming over our borders.
Hmmm, will they be welcome this time? Offered free education, healthcare, driver’s licenses? Voter registration?
Heh. Who’s first? Ol’ Jerry can bend space and time!
Greetings from ever so delightful Bountiful.
I sure do hope y’all have a great day, ’cause you just know I will.
Hey, Jerrie! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods!
My woods don’t have necks, just like Moochelle.
But they do have lots of fertilizer, just like Moochelle.
Slavery’s baaad, m-kay. Even 4,000 year old slavery — the wounds are still so very fresh, m-kay. I might or might not have slaves or slaveholders among my ancestors m-kay. You need to go to
sensitivity trainingre-education camp, m-kay.Training to become more sensitive? I think I had enough of that in teacher training (or maybe not enough).
Re-education? I wonder what I should study this time?
Just checking the past threads:
Sven, I do hope the lovely Mrs. S is doing better. Is she? And that your job is still as exciting and fulfilling as ever.
Fatwa and BrendaK, I’m so sorry for your loss of Jackson. I still miss Sarah. Although I do hope he wasn’t named after Stonewall or Andrew, ’cause that would be sooo forbidden.
Paddy, I still hate with the heat of a thousand suns your union and the CA school system. I do hope you find a place where you will be happy and appreciated. I’m also sorry about your brother and the tribulations of settling the house.
Oh, OH, and speaking of settling of estates, dear RabBiT, you continue to amaze and confound me. Your and BW’s dedication to family is truly inspiring. You are the bestest of Gerbils.
Mac, thank you so much for keeping the Wheel spinning. The performance of your duties as thread lad are nonpareil. Thank you so much.
Gentle Jerry, posting a few threads is truly nothing compared to your great gift of keeping the Wheel going for us. We are so very grateful to you. For me, the quality of my life would be greatly diminished without my dear friends here. Even though I don’t comment often I am looking in constantly and feel very much like I am with family, except that I don’t really want much to do with most of my blood family. You all are much better!
My buddies! I put this blanket on my desk because the girl cat likes to lay on my mouse hand or keyboard. The other night we had a scroll war where I was trying to scroll down a page with the mouse wheel and she was pressing the key that scrolled up. She was winning so I put the blanket there. She loves it and will settle there if I pat it a few times. She spends hours here. I looked over yesterday and the boy cat had settled on the table. I never heard him climb on. He wanted in on the company. The other cat stays hidden during the day and just comes out at night. We find toys all over the house in the morning. Fun to have cats around the house again. We forget just what characters they are.
I like your solution to the cat-scrolling problem, Mac! If I’m sitting on the coach or in a chair (not at a desk) with my laptop, my cat will climb up on my lap and lay on the keyboard until I put the laptop aside. If I sit in the same place without the laptop, or a book, or the newspaper, the cat ignores me.
Paddy, maybe you could rig up a built in book heater?
My last cat thought it was great when I tried to read on the sofa. She would burrow under or climb over the book and lay on it or in front of it (if I was laying down.)
Late afternoon Greetings!
I want the TeX afghan!!
Or maybe we can auction it off here & donate the money to the VFD?
I will start the bidding at $25. No, I’m not insulting TeX with a low bid. I am prepared to go higher with actual money. If this isn’t a good idea, well forget it.
How about a few pictures of said afghan? Maybe dimensions, as well?
Remember, Mr. X may zip his lips, but there is nothing that stays anonymous in a small town…
Ha! TeX is probably regretting telling us about it.