Reading more pro-Trump propaganda this morning. Sheesh, if you support Trump because you want to send a message to the GOP that you are tired of their failures as a political party, be my guest, but spare me the Trump is a real conservative bullshit.
If one wants to send a message to the GOP re failure:
1) Write and tell them so. Repeatedly.
2) Don’t send them money. (Buy more guns and/or ammo, instead.)
3) Don’t vote for their skank-ass candidates (who will be beholden to the powers that be).
We gave them the House, which controls the purse strings; they have not used that power to reduce the size and scope of government by defunding anything.
We gave them the Senate because they promised to get rid of Obamacare; they didn’t. But they did give nukes to Iran.
And now they want us to give them the White House, because reasons.
G’morning, GN!
Mac --
I’ll see your rope-skipping pony and raise you:
Every species, throughout time, has loved jump roping.
G’ mornin’, Fatwa.
Another heat wave has descended upon SoCal. Sniff.
Hai, Sven!
Glad I have a keyboard skin. 🙂
Reading more pro-Trump propaganda this morning. Sheesh, if you support Trump because you want to send a message to the GOP that you are tired of their failures as a political party, be my guest, but spare me the Trump is a real conservative bullshit.
Off to work--wishing all a good day.
If one wants to send a message to the GOP re failure:
1) Write and tell them so. Repeatedly.
2) Don’t send them money. (Buy more guns and/or ammo, instead.)
3) Don’t vote for their skank-ass candidates (who will be beholden to the powers that be).
We gave them the House, which controls the purse strings; they have not used that power to reduce the size and scope of government by defunding anything.
We gave them the Senate because they promised to get rid of Obamacare; they didn’t. But they did give nukes to Iran.
And now they want us to give them the White House, because reasons.
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, Fatwa and Sven!
Sven -- have a good day at the bestest place to work, ever!
It must be jump rope Tuesday:

Hai, Paddy --
Nice GIF find!
Och…GIF kilt teh thread.