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9 years ago

Monday O grabbin’!

9 years ago

That mirror falling on the cat got a laugh out of BW. Thanks Mac.

We finished placing the rocks in the rock border in front of Teh Rabbit Hutch on Saturday. When we were cleaning out the bushes at TMP, we kept finding all kinds of trash & junk people threw in there over the years. A whole lot of chipped pieces of pool tile. BW insisted that we save them. Also, at one point early on, BW was talking about the lack of interest in TM’s trinkets by her sisters She said, “I’d value even something like her hair curlers.” After that, we started finding pink curlers all over the house. Never in a group, Just a stray under the couch or wherever. We found two in the backyard bushes. So, as part of the rock garden, between two gray granite rocks, I put some of the broken pool tiles and the pink curlers. Not really noticeable unless you are looking for them. I showed it to BW. She started crying & then I started crying! Ha!

Yesterday morning, we went over to TMP to run the pool sweep. Good thing we did. When we got home the service called to tell us that there would be two showings of the house that afternoon. So that makes five or six showings, I think.

Y’all have a Jerrific Monday!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Greetings from Happy Larryville, GN!

Hai, RabBeet!

Hope that you and BW get some interested buyers sooner rather than later. Glad you got the rock border finished; may you never have to move any of those rocks again.

I got nothin’ else.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT and Fatwa!
The thread pic is a good analogy for Mondays, Mac!

The weather has definitely cooled down and the humidity is way up. There’s a chance of a thunderstorm on Tuesday -- every little bit helps.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Hai, Paddy!

It’s already sprinkling a bit in Ventura Cty.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

Just Sven
9 years ago

I hope no cats were hurt in the making of the thread video!

Just Sven
9 years ago

I watched the Trump rally in Dallas. Interesting. I have to wonder if any other Republican candidate had understood the very real anger and frustration coming from the right and decided to tap into it with a f*ck you attitude, if they would have succeeded as well as Trump.

Is it Trump or would any other outside-the-beltway guy have done just as well?

Although it’s early on, the possibility of Trump actually winning this thing seems more of a possibility. If it happens, he won’t govern as a Conservative, he won’t be a uniter, he won’t usher in a new era of political cooperation and good will towards men; he’ll widen the split in this country that Obama worked mightily to carve out--the only difference is that this time it will be the Right dictating the rules of the game.

If it weren’t for Obama, there’d be no Trump.

Just Sven
9 years ago

No matter how things turn out next November, buying more ammunition now is not a bad move.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I would, if I hadn’t lost all of my guns in that canoeing accident. Straight to the bottom.

Paddy O'Furnijur
9 years ago

I think almost any one could have achieved Trump’s success, or greater, if they had tapped into the conservative anger and feelings of disenfranchisement.

I thought Frank Lunz’s real shock at the anger of the electorate was one of the most telling examples of the disconnect between the populace and those who inhabit the world of politics.