It is shameful that the Chinese can launch men into space and we must beg the Russians for a ride.
Far more shameful that we are the richest country in all of human history and yet our politicians manage to spend far more than we can ever repay…because we let them.
[Longish furious rant about the scum who run our country deleted.]
No, but I have been making payments to a coyote to keep them out of the yard. Sadly, the coyote has proved to be unreliable. Hard to get good help nowadays.
9 years ago
Eh, ok I guess. This week we didn’t leave the house much.
About three in the afternoon one day I realized it was our 21st anniversary. Ha! BW said she was looking at the date & wondering why it seemed familiar. This is what happens when you get old! She was thinking it was my Mother’s birthday-which was actually the day before. Then yesterday would have been TM’s 82 birthday. It was time to do the pool, but she didn’t want to go over there. Too bad, because it was nice & warm . Now it is cold & windy so we aren’t going until tomorrow. No calls on the house at all this week.
We did go to the neighborhood Mexican restaurant for lunch yesterday, so that was something.
I did show her the cat with brain freeze & she kept watching it & laughing.
Heya , Sven!
This is weird when new comments hop in while I’m slow-typing.
The hacker group Anonymous has declared war on ISIS. I guess they didnt learn much from when they went after the Mexican drug cartels a few years ago.
“The apparent climbdown by the group came as one security company, Stratfor, claimed that the cartel was hiring its own security experts to track the hackers down – which could have resulted in “abduction, injury and death” for anyone it traced.”
According to other reports, the cartels also posted threats that if any information was revealed, they’d kill innocent people at random in retaliation.
O grabbin’
Caturday salutations, GN!
Hi, RabBeet!
Apparently cats are susceptible to brain freeze:
Far more shameful that we are the richest country in all of human history and yet our politicians manage to spend far more than we can ever repay…because we let them.
[Longish furious rant about the scum who run our country deleted.]
Congrats, Paddy on the house sale!
Heya, Fatwa
How are you and BW doin’?
Good morning and catching up: congratulations, Paddy. Wonderful news about the house sale.
Hi Fatwa!
Hi Rabbit!
Hai, Sven!
Have you ever considered paying off the raccoons to stay out of your yard?
No, but I have been making payments to a coyote to keep them out of the yard. Sadly, the coyote has proved to be unreliable. Hard to get good help nowadays.
Eh, ok I guess. This week we didn’t leave the house much.
About three in the afternoon one day I realized it was our 21st anniversary. Ha! BW said she was looking at the date & wondering why it seemed familiar. This is what happens when you get old! She was thinking it was my Mother’s birthday-which was actually the day before. Then yesterday would have been TM’s 82 birthday. It was time to do the pool, but she didn’t want to go over there. Too bad, because it was nice & warm . Now it is cold & windy so we aren’t going until tomorrow. No calls on the house at all this week.
We did go to the neighborhood Mexican restaurant for lunch yesterday, so that was something.
I did show her the cat with brain freeze & she kept watching it & laughing.
Heya , Sven!
This is weird when new comments hop in while I’m slow-typing.
See y’all later
Happy anniversary, Rabbit and BW!
Thanks, RabBeet…and happy anniversary!
Sven --
I hope the coyote isn’t dumping illegals in your yard.
No illegals: just the undocumented.
Well, that’s okay, then.
Gotta do stuff; regards to Mrs. Sven, if you please.
The hacker group Anonymous has declared war on ISIS. I guess they didnt learn much from when they went after the Mexican drug cartels a few years ago.
“The apparent climbdown by the group came as one security company, Stratfor, claimed that the cartel was hiring its own security experts to track the hackers down – which could have resulted in “abduction, injury and death” for anyone it traced.”
According to other reports, the cartels also posted threats that if any information was revealed, they’d kill innocent people at random in retaliation.
Then I guess we’ll just have to rely on the hacking skillz of DHS; they won’t be deterred by threats to random innocents.
Bye Fatwa; bye Rabbit. Waves. Wipes away tears.
Time to get a move on myself. I must clean Mrs Sven’s filthy water feature.
Man, what a job. Dirty. Smelly. If she would just let me trim the damn bush, it would make the job much easier.
Happy house selling, Paddy -- and anniversary, Rabbit & BW -- and water feature cleaning, Sven!
Mac -- did you find the problem, or did the site just start working again? Weird times.
Wow, my thoughts exactly. If I had a dollar for every time I thought that in my youth, I’d be rich by now.
Hai, Jerry!
Glad that Sven teed-up one which brought you out of the woodwork.
How are things in Bountiful?
Yeah, nice and slow over the plate.
Hi Jerry. Thank you for fixing things, Sir. (I think)
Paddy and Brenda have said they are not able to get on the site today.