Yesterday was sunny & warm. Widows open warm for a few hours, anyway. Today is going to be a lot colder. Unfortunately, we were busy yesterday & today is the one where we have to go do the pool. Still no word from Bob the realtor on if the home appraisal has been scheduled or done. That is the last hurdle before setting a closing date. The contract we have is for a closing on or before Feb. 12.
We haven’t heard a peep out of Sis or Zombie Sis-as usual. I think Worthless Grandson is at the end of his 10 days in jail, so the circus with start up again, this time with ZS owing late rent. What’s that saying? “Pay stupid games. Win stupid prizes.”
Y’all have a Jerrific day, cause you know he will!
See ya later.
Hai, RabBeet! Hope you learn good news re the appraisal and can soon close teh book re TMP.
Just read there was another Democrat debate last night; the DNC and their media lackeys sure are keeping those quiet. (At least the RNC’s trying to keep-up the illusion while they manipulate the process.)
O grabbin’!
Mornin’ Greetin’s, all!
Yesterday was sunny & warm. Widows open warm for a few hours, anyway. Today is going to be a lot colder. Unfortunately, we were busy yesterday & today is the one where we have to go do the pool. Still no word from Bob the realtor on if the home appraisal has been scheduled or done. That is the last hurdle before setting a closing date. The contract we have is for a closing on or before Feb. 12.
We haven’t heard a peep out of Sis or Zombie Sis-as usual. I think Worthless Grandson is at the end of his 10 days in jail, so the circus with start up again, this time with ZS owing late rent. What’s that saying? “Pay stupid games. Win stupid prizes.”
Y’all have a Jerrific day, cause you know he will!
See ya later.
G’day, Wheelizens!
Hai, RabBeet! Hope you learn good news re the appraisal and can soon close teh book re TMP.
Just read there was another Democrat debate last night; the DNC and their media lackeys sure are keeping those quiet. (At least the RNC’s trying to keep-up the illusion while they manipulate the process.)
Fark ’em all. π
Good morning and good luck, Rabbit.
Hi Fatwa!
Warm and windy out here today--it’s like winter is over already.
Hai, Sven!
So cruel… π
Dance, cankle monkey!
Poor thing. She’s like your elderly auntie who never had kids trying to be cool with your children over the holidays and failing miserably.
Off to work--good day to all.
One thing she’s not is poor…at least cash-wise.
Judgment-wise, ethics-wise and basic decency-wise are another story.
Thought that TeX and/or Sven might be amused by this:
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, RabBiT, Fatwa, and Sven!
RabBiT -- prayers for a successful conclusion of the TMP saga.
Sven -- have fun at work, you lucky devil!
Fatwa -- boy, that Davey Jones can sure rock the tambourine!
And the pitch on those backing vocals was spot on!
I wonder if Jerry has one of those?
Sadly, Abe Vigoda has passed away.
RIP, Mr. Vigoda.
Has anyone seen his pants??!?!??
Fare thee well, Abe Vigoda. I doff my pants in honor of the man, the legend…
(Oh hai, everyone!)
Hai, Brenda!!!!
By any chance did Mr. Vigoda’s pants get caught in your dryer?
“I’d like to buy a vowel, please…”
I loved Abe Vigoda as Fish in Barney Miller. RIP.