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4 years ago

Good morning, Wheelizens!

Why, why why… do cats do what they do?

It was such a nice long thread yesterday and a nice surprise to see Tex_LA. Maybe that’s the silver lining of the quarantine: that more people are home and might think to check in with us?

Not sure. It seems like TeX saw something that resonated with her. I know that when others here have shared deeper thoughts and feelings and events, it has been meaningful to me.

Callahan’s Law: Shared joy is increased, shared pain is lessened. I read a lot of Spider Robinson back in the day. Wonder if he’s still kickin’? He wrote very happy upbeat stuff, in a way.

4 years ago

…so rather than get too serious, this:

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Sunday greetin’s, GN!

Hi, dv8!

Goodness gracious, I missed a busy day here yesterday

Extremely glad to see TeX succumbed to teh noodging. 😉

TeX --

Sorry to read you had to deal with that stupidity at Tractor Supply; brava for your snarcastic response. (At least the cashier didn’t ask if you were a “Christ Killer”; gotta be grateful for small favors.)

Also quite liked Paddy’s suggested responses, particularly re teh throwing stars.

Couldn’t find a clip at YT, but SCTV once had a bit with Rick Moranis as a Chasidic Rebbe and Dave Thomas as Scotsman Angus Crock about how to deal with anti-semitism. It’s been decades, but IIRC, one exchange was something like:

“Hey Jew! Why do you have so many holidays?”

“Listen you hoodlum…why don’t you go eat a nice pork and pancreas sandwich?”

I, too, tend to hear H-E-B as “hebe” in my head when I see a photo or read the name; Plaguie, you ain’t alone there. Funny -- but nice for TeX -- they carry Joooo-y stuff out where she lives.

Best Man -- who is a-religious and non-Hebraic -- is often asked, when winning a “debate” with a liberal, “What do you think of Jews?” (Like they’re trying to “get” him on something.)

His standard response is, “I think they’re Jews.” (Which tends to piss-off his “opponent”; I think that’s a hilarious rejoinder myself.) As he’s observed, most people with strong negative feelings about my peeps don’t actually know any.

Since moving to GA, I’ve been pleasantly surprised that I’ve dealt with far less blatant Jooo-hate than when I lived in Los Angeles.

You owe me ANOTHER!! Monitor, Fatwa…

Sincerely sorry about that, Harper. 😉


4 years ago

“Sorry”, Fatwa?!? You mustn’t have had your chocolate croissants and coffee this morning, good sir, you should be proud! The older you get the sharper your wit. Hey look, I’m a real Longfellow’s foot! Your Papa would be proud.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Happy Sunday, GN!

Woke up this morning with the feeling of glass in my eye -- no, it’s not glass, just part of my cornea tearing away. A little tiny piece, but man, does it hurt. On the plus side, cuz I am a silver lining kind of guy, there’s nothing like intense pain to wake you up quickly and get you out of bed.

Went to the local auto parts store yesterday to get a new brake light bulb. Told the guy behind the counter that I was glad they were still open. He told me a about a guy that was in earlier that was furious that O’Reilly Auto Parts was considered an “essential business” and allowed to remain open while his business, some lawnmower repair place, was shut down. I asked “So this guy came in off the street to just yell at you?” Nope, he was buying motor oil and some other parts, and yet bitching that they were open while he was getting what he needed.

Maybe lawnmower repair businesses are essential in places like GA, but not in SoCal. Heh.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Sven, I’m sorry about the intense eye pain. Does it make the nostril on that side run, too? Asking for a friend…

Ponce a time, they used to use cocaine eye drops for eye surgery and pain. Why can’t your Dr find something to help yours; they’ve been working on this for a long time. There must be an eye ointment that goes in at night that will at least keep it from sticking. They feel disgusting but they work for cornea scratches. I know I’m probably not helping the situation here Sven, by sounding like I’m second guessing your doctor but I have learned something very important about people over a long life of illness…this impulse to pour out everything they know about your condition, no matter how tenuous, and to try to think of anything that will help, no matter how ridiculous, is spurred on by a feeling of helplessness, a desire to do something for you and goodwill. Very often it comes from a place of love as it does here.

If your eye doctor is going to have to put off your treatment because of the Communist Virus I strongly encourage you to follow up with him to find medications that will reduce the pain locally and preserve the eye. I believe you can be made a bit more comfortable and doctors assume the patient is doing fine unless they call and tell them otherwise.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Sven -- I’m sorry about your continued eye pain. I hope something positive can be done about it sooner, rather than later.

Just Sven
4 years ago

I see the media this morning is screaming about the number of virus cases increasing. I don’t think that’s right. I think the number of confirmed virus cases is increasing and I think there’s a big difference between the two.

4 years ago

When we were quite young David made this for me in his Daddy’s garage. He just liked the design but for me, a Christian that had attended yeshiva as a child, it was perfect!

In later years when people came to my home and saw it, guess what their reaction was.

Go ahead, guess…




To this day I have no idea why that.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

Good morning, Plaguie! I don’t see the image you’ve posted (but would love to!). Perhaps dv8 could assist you?

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Hi Mac! It shows in your post. Thanks!
Edit: I refreshed the page and it appeared! It’s magic!

4 years ago
Reply to  Mac

Thank you, Gentle Mac. And good morning

Just Sven
4 years ago

Good morning, Miss Harper -- I hope all is well in your neck of the woods and thank you for your concern.

I’ve kind of run the gamut of ointments and such over the last year. I do have some drops for pain, don’t know what is in them as they were samples from the doc. When the pain first hits though, there’s not much I can do as I can’t touch the area around my eye or fully open my eyelids due to the pain.

On the other hand, that’s all it is. Pain. It signifies a problem, I know that, but my vision isn’t affected. Have another appointment Tuesday -- this may be the last one for a while as they are closing down their offices.

4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m so glad to hear they’ve covered all the bases, Sven. I feel better now and that’s what matters.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

A blessed Sabbath, Gerbil Nation!
Good morning, dv8, Fatwa, Plaguie!, and Sven!

Church will be interesting this morning. Of course, not being essential, church is canceled, but my congregation will be live-streaming on our FaceBook page. It will be interesting to see how this works because as of last Sunday, we didn’t have an encoder to encode the video feed from our camera. We’ve been recording services -- video and audio -- to DVD for years to deliver to our shut-ins, but haven’t had the resources to stream. There are also production concerns, such as editing out people’s names during prayer time. As I said, we’ll see. At Mrs. Paddy’s church they just upgraded their entire AV system, so they’re good to go. Mrs. Paddy will be preaching today on her trip to Saipan and the work that the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) does. She has gotten much more comfortable preaching over the years, but this will be the first time she’s preached in front of her new pastor, and the first time preaching to an empty sanctuary with two video cameras (the pastor will run the AV system). Today they’re streaming both services (not sure why), so she gets to do it twice.

4 years ago

It should be very interesting, Paddy. Prayers to all of the churches facing these adjustments today!

Interestingly, the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ made a huge change to the way we worship at the end of Summer last year. He said that by revelation the church was going to become the backup to home centered worship instead of the other way around. All programs were synced so that everyone was learning the same scriptures and lessons with adjustments for age, and a program with guidelines, podcasts etc. Even the long hours at church on Sundays were cut down so we could have more time to spend on our personal home worship with our families. I won’t say that it hasn’t been a shock to not have church on the Sabbath but I will say that we certainly were prepared when it happened. Makes you think…

4 years ago
Reply to  ThePlagueFairy

I wonder if that’s what the ladies have been talking about! Usually when I walk with the neighbors on Mondays, they compare services (from churches all over the county), and they all seem to have the same notes and high points, just different interpretations and style.

I’ll have to ask, but I have to suit up and shop tomorrow. o_0 It feels a little bit like “Chopped” sometimes …
:: shudder ::

Evening, y’all.
It’s been misty and sorta Stephen King-y-ish the last couple of days with the quiet; weird without the drive-bys you can almost set your watch by.

Sorry about your eye, Sven. My brother went through that. I hope your appt. Tuesday has some good results or at least something to get you through.

With that, I’m going to traipse (not trip) around my kitchen and see what I can put together.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  X_LA_Native

I’m going to traipse (not trip) around my kitchen

Video, or it didn’t happen.

Just Sven
4 years ago

Well Amazon is no longer the great supplier of stuff that it used to be. Need some cables to maybe integrate my home office with work, and nothing has a delivery date less than 4 weeks.

Sniff. So it goes. Sniff.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Wow! What do you need?

Just Sven
4 years ago

Ah, just some USB and HDMI cables -- ran out to Staples -- an essential CA business- and got what I needed. Now I just got to move things around, but I am strangely lacking in motivation.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I’m glad to hear you were able to get them locally. We’ve got a few things on order from Amazon that are supposed to arrive next week. I guess we’ll see.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
4 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

Hi Sven,

Let me know which cables you need and at what lengths. I’ll ship them out 2-day shipping.

Paddy O'Furnijur
4 years ago

Hey, Jerry! That’s awfully nice of you! How are things in Bountiful?

Just Sven
4 years ago

Thank you Jerry -- you are a generous soul -- I have what I need for now and am ready to face Week 2 of REMOTE WORK!!!

You guys are familiar with my rants re: teh bestest place ever, but they are making a major donation to local hospitals of needed equipment with no strings attached, so good on them.

4 years ago

Sven: I just spoke to Linux Rob, and he told me that he just ordered some kind of mondo monitor and the shipping time was so bad that they canceled it.

Amazon is trying to keep going, but clearly they are having problems.

Nite nite, Gerbils!

Just Sven
4 years ago
Reply to  dv8

What Amazon needs to do is build a filter by “fastest delivery date.”

Sleep well, Dv8.