Fatwa Arbuckle 12/24/2022

Fatwa Arbuckle 12/24/2022
In our never-ending effort to keep up with the hordes of users and massive bandwidth demands, we are migrating this site to a new and better service.
We’re back online in our new home, teh yay!
you are on the new site. Enjoy.
The first commenter wins a free one-year Titanium subscription to Teh Squeaky Wheel!
UPDATE: Shuttering the site is not an option. While some have been lured away by the siren song of Facebook, I don’t find it to be the same intimate community as Teh Squeak. I can’t imagine RabBiT expressing the same tribulations on Facebook or Paddy or Sven or me or any other Gerbil. This is truly a special place, if currently a little under utilized. It will remain. I will find a solution. In the meantime: Keep Calm and Carry On.
Here is where we stand:
All options allow for posting videos.
The choice is yours. Discuss amongst your damn selves.
If this post doesn’t appear, then we are on the new site. Wish me luck! LUCK!!!!!!!
Teh Squeak is moving to WordPress.com. I need the room for other business.
Nothing will change and I hope to get this site transferred along with logins, posts and comment history. This site will be going off-line tomorrow afternoon/evening. The address will be the same, www.tehsqueak.com.
WordPress websites worldwide are under attack from one or more BotNets. Stay calm. DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!! DO NOT USE ALL CAPS!!!!!! We’ve got it under control (we’re all gonna die).
Send Jerry your SSN and credit card numbers! Don’t forget your security code! All will be OK.
So sorry about the delay. PHP configuration is not my forte’. Enjoy.
Teh Squeaky Wheel will be transferring to a new server with the same host. I don’t know exactly when — maybe tonight or tomorrow. If tonight, we will be down for a while because I won’t enter the new IP address until morning.