1983 – U.S. Interior Secretary James Watt banned the Beach Boys from the 4th of July celebration on the Washington Mall. He said rock ‘n’ roll bands attract the “wrong element.”
1983 – U.S. Interior Secretary James Watt banned the Beach Boys from the 4th of July celebration on the Washington Mall. He said rock ‘n’ roll bands attract the “wrong element.”
I think it is the Government that attracts the “wrong element” to DC, politicians.
Sad “heh”; g’morning, Mac!
Once a swamp, always a swamp.
Heya, Mac. Missed ya last night.
What a perfect thread pic -- Happy B’day 2, Miss Rabbit!
Happy Birfday II/VII, RabBeet!!1!
Just put down the second coat of urethane; SiL and I corrected some minor stain blotchiness (sp?) yesterday. (Teh yay for SiL and oil-based stains!)
Tomorrow, über-light fine sanding and the final coat of urethane. But today…family gathering at CasaK involving food and snark. (DervishK did yeowoman’s work re teh spring cleaning; just sayin’.)
Happy birthday, 2 of seven, RabBiT!

I got you some carrot cakes! They’re healthy!
Wrandom WrabBeet-wrelated wrongness:
Teletubbies -- the early years.
When I was a kid they were the Telegraphtubbies.