1967 – The 13-day strike by the American Federation of Radio-TV Artists (AFTRA) came to an end less than two hours before the 39th Academy Awards presentation went on the air.
Happy Birfday, BME!!!
1967 – The 13-day strike by the American Federation of Radio-TV Artists (AFTRA) came to an end less than two hours before the 39th Academy Awards presentation went on the air.
Happy Birfday, BME!!!
Voting closes at 10:00 ET — vote promptly, vote often!
You are AWESOME, BME. Happy birthday to youuuuuuu!
Good morning, Gerbil Nation!
Hump Day! BME’s birthday! Coincidence?
Happy birthday, BME!
G’morning, GN and Happy Birfday, BME!!1!
Happy birthday, BME!
And Jerry is the grand prize winner! Congratulations to Jerry, and we’ll expect you here in Happy Larryville next week.
Teh yay…Jerry’s coming for a visit!!!1!11!!
In order to begin preparations, how many (mattress) lumps do you want?
I’ll make sure we have plenty of gas for teh lawnmower…’cause that’s just how we roll.
Jerry --
If you arrive by 5:00 p.m. Friday, you can also attend teh appetizer tasting at Keith’s Funeral Home and BBQ. (Rumor has it there’ll be ribs, chopped liver, finger sammiches and mu gu guy-in-a-pan.)
Happy Birfday, BME!

Congratulations, Jerrie!
(and I hope he’s not cooling his heels in the county clink ‘cuz of the pants thing…)
Well, the week started off with a bang, and not in the way anyone would prefer.
The pup is true to the Pyrenees nature -- he guards. He sits in the front yard at night and just watches. Around 9:30 or so he started growling, which isn’t unusual -- it’s followed by a couple of barks and then it’s quiet.
Not this time. First came the yelps and then the screaming.
And when I say “screaming” I mean that hoarse, guttural, hair-raising cry we’ve all heard infants do.
I was on my way outside with the flashlight when the yelps started and he was staying in place, but I couldn’t see anything. He was attacking his paw, but still I couldn’t see what was the cause (could have been a fire ant mound for all I knew).
The decibels kept going up and I got him inside, but it took me another fifteen minutes just to get him to settle down long enough to find one leetle drop of blood on top of his paw. Our initial thought was scorpion because the swelling was localized -- for a little while. Then it really blew up.
Fvckin’ copperheads.
But Teh Yay™ to the resilience of puppies. After two Benadryl Monday night, the swelling was about half what it had been the next morning, and with the antibiotics and steroid from the vet, he’s doing just fine.
Still, fvcking copperheads. The temps just dropped about 15° and is still going down so that oughta put ’em back in their holes for a little while at least.
Oh! And another movie to add to Sven’s list: “Roadhouse”.
Yeah, it sucks, it’s campy and stupid, but it’s a classic.
Hope you have a whole lot more.
And THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all the little people I stepped on as I cheated my way to the top. I thought y’all might have noticed that ol’ Jerry got 13 votes in the space of about 5 minutes. Not sayin’ I really cheated in the voting but I am from West Virginia!
I’ll be arriving aboard Air Force 100000001 along with my barber, stylist, body manscaper, dresser, valet, makeup artist, chefs and food taster. Also, a few friends.
We’ve got plenty of room for your friends and entourage; there’s a nice big crawl space under the house…almost tall enough for average-height folks to stand upright.
Plus a handy hose for showering.
Off to put down fresh bug spray in teh crawlspace; BBL!
p.s. -- BiscuitsInTehOvenK says there’s still only one biscuit; prepare to share. 😉
Or pissing-off teh trolly proponents.
Criminy, TeX…glad teh puppy wound-up being okay.
When I still lived in L.A., a friend of mine and I took her wolf / coyote / German Shepherd mix (one of the bestest dogs evar) for walkies in a canyon at the top of Topanga Cyn. near where they lived. Dog was enthusiastically frolicking and gamboling and suddenly, we hear an uncharacteristic *yip*…rattlesnake bite.
We carried 60+ lb. dog up out of canyon, I run to fetch car, pick them up and haul ass to vet near Topanga / Ventura while area of paw near bite is getting quite soft.
Puppy recovered completely, but…farking rattlers!
Oh, did I mention laundress? I won’t be bringing the pants presser because I won’t be wearing any.
Congratulations, Jerrie, but how was it that 23 people voted when only like 6 people post regularly? I smell a taint.
Well, it’s not me. I showered this morning.
Watched the Toomey/Manchin dog and pony show for the unveiling of their bipartisan background check amendment. For the most part, absurd. Closes the infamous gun show loophole while allowing private sales to continue without NICS. My question is what constitutes a gun show? More than two people sitting around together selling guns? How about private sales in the parking lot where a gun show is being held? How about across the street? Would like to see the details.
Also closes the equally infamous internet sale loophole, which as far as I know, doesnt exist. I thought all internet sales were already conducted through FFLs.
On the plus side, there’s some pro-gun measures in there as well, which when the hoopleheads on the Left finally that figure out, they’ll be off their how wonderful wagon and be fully against. But for the first time, it’s an actual negotiation; you want this, give us that.
Jerry --
BrendaK says for a small surcharge, she’ll take you over to teh Goodwill to see if they still have any of Abe Vigoda’s pants; our homeowner’s policy insists on proper garb for lawnmowing.
And bacon-frying.
Yeah, forgot about Roadhouse. Quite cool movie with Jeff Healey as the house band.
Glad your dog is OK, X.
Awww, I gotta go. To the post office to mail the government more money so they can hire more people to find ways for me to pay more money.
God bless America.
Was watching the talking heads dissect the Toomey/Manchin gun control compromise, and one from the Left wailed about no ban on high-capacity magazines (or ‘clips’ as he also called them) in the amendment. He brought up the fact that 9,000 people have died since New Town and that a ban on high capacity magazines is absolutely positively needed to reduce the carnage.
Since more than half of those 9,000 dead are suicides, how would a ban on a 30-round mag have saved them? It’s a puzzler.
Um, if they have really, really bad muzzle control?
I’d like that guy to show his work.
The number probably is fairly OK. If you figure on 32,000 homicides and suicides committed with guns each year, which based on FBI and other data is about right, that works out to about 2600 each month. Newtown occurred about 4 months ago-so 9,000 is close enough to not argue the point.
The Left is quite clever with the language of this debate. Gun Control has morphed into Gun Safety. When convenient, to inflate the number, murders and suicides are lumped together as Gun Violence.
It’s all bullshit but appears to be working.
Per the CDC, there were a total of 11,078 U.S. “gun deaths” for the entire 2010 calendar year; I rather doubt that rate has approximately tripled so far this year.
What a shock that lying crapsacks will be lying crapsacks
That’s firearm homicides only, Fatwa. They list firearm suicides as 19,392 which if you add them all together comes out to about 30,000.
In this current debate, should suicides even be considered? I say no, but there you go.
What I also object to is the focus on ‘gun’ violence as opposed to all violence or crime.
Heard anything more about the 14 people stabbed in Texas yesterday? Me neither. In one day, that story has all but disappeared. Local news last night did not even mention it until 20 minutes into their broadcast and then only in passing.
If 14 people had been shot but not killed yesterday, the piano music and candles would be all over cable teevee.
Do those homicide numbers include self defense and police shootings? I know they have done that before, implying homicides are murders.
I think the CDC and FBI list things differently; one of them includes justifiable homicides as homicides (CDC?) and the other doesn’t.
Another thing to consider, as some researchers have done for DGUs, is that some portion of unsolved murders-about 40% annually-are actually justified killings and not homicides. That would skew the numbers downwards.
I understand the current push for gun control; it’s a political and ideological power grab by the state and those that believe only in the state. I get it. That the media willingly colludes with them is still surprising, but shouldnt be after what we’ve seen out of them the last 12 years.
If I had to point to one thing that troubles me most about our country today, it wouldnt be the debt or this gun control business, or anything other than our incarceration rate. In rough numbers, we have 5% of the world’s population and 25% of its prisoners. Our rate of incarceration is about 750/100,000. We lead the world by a considerable margin in this category, it receives zero political or media coverage or discussion.
Something is very wrong with us.
Case in point, A. James Manchin. The current West Virginia Senator’s uncle. A. James was the Secretary of State when I was working for the State of WVa. It was well known that his office was filled with young boys and no one working there likes it. I once saw him “flouncing” into a well known 25 cent movie house with a bevy of underage boys with him.
So, could the Charleston Gazette (Democrat) or the Charleston Daily Mail (Republican) known about this? Well, the combined newspaper offices were around the corner and shared the same parking lot.
The fact that he was married and gay should not have been the story, but the fact that he used/misused his official position should have been.
Another story about the Washington Post later.
Happy birthday, BME!!!
Congratulations, Jerrie -- on winning (wink) teh caption Contest and on not getting arrested.!!eleventy1! Side note -- please be aware, should you decide to join Fatwa, BiscuitK and myself Friday night, that KFH&BBQ is not a clothing optional establishment. You know, in case you need to make plans to acquire Abe Vigoda’s pants.
X! Poor puppy! I hope he is back to normal!