Oh, the Captioning vote. Yes, well, about that…

Here it is! Ha-ha, fooled ya, di’int I?! Last Friday we captioned:

[singlepic id=3 w=200 h=120 ] [singlepic id=2 w=200 h=120 ] [singlepic id=1 w=200 h=120 ]
Pic 1 Pic2 Pic3

And now, you get to vote:

This week’s fabulous prize for Best Comment is: A lovely* Capodimonte Lamp. For just the price of shipping and handling**, you can own your own 1 ft. (approx), multi-colored (pink and yellow roses) vintage lamp***.

*Says me. Fatwa, however, wishes to make known that he finds the lamp hideous and probably infested with demons.
**$2,000.39, ships in the continental US only
***Lampshade not included.

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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  BrendaK

So it’ll start at 8:00 EDT, right?

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

Well, sometimes it starts at 9:02 or 9:05. So, not always.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

If you know what’s good for you, you really don’t want to win teh Best Comment prize. Even if you own a shotgun.

The first time I read Jerry’s caption last week, my brain interpreted it as, “Pull my finger and I’ll fart a mime”. (Which in and of itself is good justification for one o’ them invisible boxes.)

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Well, it’s about time! I can’t cheat if I can’t vote.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Huh. I was kinda partial to the “I’ll f*ck you hard like a teacher” caption.

Just Sven
11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

Taking a lesson from Jerrie…..

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

By the way, I just ran across a totally fabulous commenter on Twitter. His/her name is MarionetasDeCalcetín, twitter handle @marionetacalcet. I think he/she may be that French lady, Marionnette de Chausette’s Spanish cousin.

Marionetas has 430 followers after just 100 and some posts. Interestingly, they are mainly conservative with a large mix of middle-easterner and Indians.

You should check him/her out.

11 years ago

In-joke reply to Jerrie: I think I’m going to be a square tonight instead of a round (ha, always cracks me up, snerk), since my folks just invited me to dinner. I’ll come by later to survey the, er, damage.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

I’m glad to see stories like this: Wash. judge tells police to return marijuana

Police in Tacoma could soon be in real trouble over pot.

The department could be found in contempt if they continue to refuse to return a small amount of marijuana seized from a man after a traffic stop. Municipal Court Judge Jack Emery repeated an order to police Thursday to return the drug to Joseph L. Robertson within seven days or they could be found in contempt.

“Appeal or comply,” Emery told assistant city attorney John Walker. “Or next week, show up, and I would advise you to bring counsel.”

Amused emphasis mine.

I think we’re just about ready to head over to Keith’s. (Mmmmm….pulled long pork.) BBL for teh caption thingy.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

“pulled long pork”

Or as I refer to it -- Friday night alone.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

How did you know his nickname is Stubbie?

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Just lucky; I was feeling saucy today.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

It’s that time of the month isn’t it? Aunt Flo come to visit? The Red Tide? Tell ol’ Jerry all about it.