In The Aftermath Of The Captioning, A Little (very little) Sanity

Costume choices can just be so…unfortunate. This, on the other hand, is entirely high fashion:

Winning Entry at the Hoboken, NJ Fashion Week ‘Hot New Designers’ Runway Design Competition

It’s going to be the look for Winter ’14, just you wait and see!

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Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

That’s quite a pointy outfit.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Sylvia couldn’t understand why the job market was sooo difficult.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Yes, I’m still captioning. Wanna make something of it?

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago

Sylvia failed to realize that her special camouflage only worked on Valentines Day. Or at the Boston Marathon.

Barrett Wellman(tm)
11 years ago
Reply to  BrendaK

Bye darlin’. Sleep well.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Kings beat the Blues on a goal with .2 seconds left in the second. Didnt think they’d do it as St Louis outplayed them, but there you go.

Now it’s crosstown against the Ducks or up north against the Sharks.