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11 years ago

Gooooooood morning, Gerbils!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Criminy, SweetheartK…why, oh why would you inflict those ghastly saffron-colored wraiths on our fellow Wheelizens??!?!?


After Acting Commissioner Miller’s profoundly loathsome performance yesterday, I hope that many bad things happen to him. Such as a run-in with a pissed-off taxpayer who’s carrying a lead pipe…or an unfortunate accident involving a double-aught shotshell to the back of his knees.

If the Party of Stoopit weren’t, video snippets from his testimony would provide fodder for a unified theme re next year’s congressional campaigns…if the GOP were actually in favor of severely reducing the size of gummint.

Just Sven
11 years ago

Good morning-

The Draconian got released in CA yesterday:

A hotly contested gun-control law that was passed in 2007 is finally ready to be implemented, Attorney General Kamala Harris said Friday: a requirement that every new semiautomatic handgun contain “micro-stamping” technology that would allow police to trace a weapon from cartridges found at a crime scene.


A summary of what this means:


Bottom line-we can still buy new semiautomatic pistols, but only for maybe the next 5 years. I can’t see any mfgr retooling their production lines just for CA-nor should they. Lawsuits will be brought, but it will take years to wind their way through the courts.

Just Sven
11 years ago

So it’s 2017. Ted Cruz has just been sworn into office as POTUS and the IRS has a new Commissioner: Elizabeth Cheney. In response, numerous liberal groups are formed and apply for tax-exempt status. What would their questionnaires look like?

1. List the criminal records of all members.
2. When was the last time any of your members used illegal narcotics?
3. For all members, please list their favorite Bible passage and indicate daily usage.
4. For all female members, please list the number of lesbian encounters over the last five years. Do videos exist? If so, please provide.
5. Have any of your members used the following phrases over the last ten years:
a. Bush lied, people died.
b. Bush did it too.
c. I will f*ck you hard like a teacher.
6. List vehicle ownership for all members; if the vehicle has bumper stickers, please describe each bumper sticker and note size and location on vehicle.
7. For all members, list the number of books owned and document number of copies of books authored by Saul Alinsky, Howard Zimmerman, and Noam Chomsky.
8. Please list your members favorite country western artists.
9. Indicate for all members, the last time they sang the National Anthem.
10. Indicate for all members, the last time they attended a Ted Nugent concert.
11. Do any of your members own firearms? If so, list manufacturer and model number, the amount of ammunition currently on hand, and range frequency.
12. For all members and donors, please indicate their favorite NASCAR drivers and pit crews.
13. Are any of your members or donors, fans of the Denver Broncos or the New England Patriots?
14. Have any of your members held a real job outside of academia or government?
15. How often do your members bathe?
16. Have any of your members defecated on a police vehicle? If yes, please describe the incidents.
17. In the last five years, have any of your members visited Eugene, Oregon, Berkley, California, or Madison, Wisconsin?

Hey, it’s a start…..

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven


Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago
Reply to  Just Sven

I would love to watch the exploding heads if they were faced with that!

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

The Draconian got released in CA yesterday:

Jeebus, Sven…that bites the big one.

While I don’t follow CA politics as closely as I once did, it’s my understanding that the Assembly can now pretty much do any damned thing it pleases with no significant opposition.

Which will probably not work out so well; I’m very sorry you guys, and teh Paddys (along with a few other folks I’m quite fond of, including Gerbs) are increasingly subject to the whims of clueless statist dipshits.

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

It’s getting to be a scary place to live (not really scary, but you know what I mean).

Just Sven
11 years ago

Aint that the truth.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

 photo StevenMillerPoster_zps028c0fc1.jpg

It’d sure be fun if someone leaked this scumbag’s tax returns for the last, say, twelve years so a careful scrutinizing of them could be done via crowd-sourcing…just sayin’.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

 photo StevenMiller2Poster_zpsa6d9db89.jpg

From his official IRS bio:

Steve also served as the Director of Exempt Organizations and as the acting Assistant Commissioner and Special Assistant to the Assistant Commissioner, Employee Plans/Exempt Organizations.

Just Sven
11 years ago

I love the ‘Special Assistant to the Assistant’ title.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist
Reply to  Just Sven

It’s “assistants” all the way down.

Just Sven
11 years ago

You’re just a nobody until youre the assistant to the assistant to the assistant of somebody.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

Great blithering mother of sh¡t (because a simple “WTF?!?” won’t do): Here’s Romania’s entry in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest:

Since you all know how deeply my “ethnic pride” runs, you can imagine just how much my heart is swelling.


Actually, on second thought, that may be heart disease. Whatevs…