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Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Happy Friday, Gerbil Nation!
I swear this week was three Mondays, two Tuesdays, a couple of Wednesdays, and four Thursdays (aren’t we done yet?) long.
I’m glad RabBiT checked in and that the bad weather missed them.

Fatwa Arbuckle: Misanthropologist

G’day from Happy Larryville, GN!

We’re also happy to see that RabBeet was unaffected by teh heavy weather; yay!

Paddy --

Sorry you’ve had a long and vexing week; why don’t you take Monday off?


Given said long weekend and multiple scandals, I think it’s likely that we’ll have a large “Friday news dump” this afternoon. (Uh huh huh huh huh…I said “dump”.)

Paddy O'Furnijur
11 years ago

Nothing to see here. Move along. Go back to your homes, subjects citizens. Look! It’s a 3-day weekend! Fire up the barbecue! Have a beer! Have another!

Just Sven
11 years ago

My prediction for a document dump: The Patent Office delayed approval for all patents originating in states with Republican governors. I think the United States Patent and Trademark Office is the only federal agency under Obama that hasnt had a scandal; they are about due.

Kings played a great game last night beating San Jose 3-0. That gives them a 3-2 lead in the series with the next game Sunday up north. Likely that this one goes to 7.

Detroit is up on Chicago 3 games to 1 and that would be a huge upset considering how well the Blackhawks have played regular and post season. But if things work out the way they should, then it sets up the Kings with home ice against Detroit.

Much to my surprise, the Penguins look to advance to their conference finals. Good thing I didnt bet against them.

Just Sven
11 years ago

I tried reading through the IG’s IRS report. Honestly, based on the limited information contained in the report, I can’t tell if there’s a there there. I assume that there is because the report says so, the testimony so far from the IG confirms it, and Lerner’s lame effort to get out in front of the report with a staged question and apology. And oh yeah, Obama’s outrage. Can’t forget that.

11 years ago

So you know, and yes, I am a horrible person…no caption contest tonight. I apologize; I’m just caught up in a bind for time and have to get some things done post haste and will great alacrity.

So, you know, caption amongst yourselves. Seriously — find some pics that express your take on the world and put ’em up!