Teh Squeaky Wheel
Merry Christmas, GN!
Off to the ClanK Ancestral Compound at a ghastly hour; meh. 😉
Merry Christmas, Gerbil Nation!
Merry Christmas, friends.
Home about 30 minutes ago; teh yay!
Hope all o’ ya’ll [sic] are having a fine day.
I wholeheartedly second what Sven said, and add one small addendum: /family.
‘Cuz y’all are.
Merry Christmas to all y’all. And I know this pic scares Jerrie, and Mac’s not real hug-y, but here goes anyway:
and a group hug for good measure (and help Jerrie feel safer):
Merry Christmas, everyone!
(Also, Sven, did you cough all over your posts or something? Because I think I have your dreadful malady now. Still love ya, though.)
teh Birthday party has begun . . . Cards Against Humanity may replace Drunken Cranium tonight. yeah. I’m a baaaad mom.
Teh Older and Younger approve of Cards Against Humanity. Just sayin.
Merry Christmas, GN!
Off to the ClanK Ancestral Compound at a ghastly hour; meh. 😉
Merry Christmas, Gerbil Nation!
Merry Christmas, friends.
Home about 30 minutes ago; teh yay!
Hope all o’ ya’ll [sic] are having a fine day.
I wholeheartedly second what Sven said, and add one small addendum: /family.
‘Cuz y’all are.
Merry Christmas to all y’all. And I know this pic scares Jerrie, and Mac’s not real hug-y, but here goes anyway:

and a group hug for good measure (and help Jerrie feel safer):

Merry Christmas, everyone!
(Also, Sven, did you cough all over your posts or something? Because I think I have your dreadful malady now. Still love ya, though.)
teh Birthday party has begun . . .
Cards Against Humanity may replace Drunken Cranium tonight. yeah. I’m a baaaad mom.
Teh Older and Younger approve of Cards Against Humanity.
Just sayin.