Bottom-of-the-Evening to you from why-is-it-so-bloody-hot SoCal! It was 93° yesterday.
Love the thread pic, Mac!
Good morning, Fatwa!
I promise I won’t put cheese on all the corned beef, this time.
Here, have a beer!
10 years ago
Happy St. Pat’s Day, GN! I am getting my Green on and ready for my annual Cabbage and Potato Facial!
Happy Birthday, Darling David! This next bit is something just for YOU — you should note that ‘Brenda’ is pronounced ‘Amy’, in Welsh (it’s a vowel thing).
Well, since it is Fatwa’s birfday AND there was a temblor in SoCal, I figured I’d kill two birds with an Earthquake Cake to mark the occasion!
We’re still riding the Texas Winter Weather rollercoaster out here: 50° one day, 80° the next. Those unfamiliar with Texas weather are bitching they can’t wait for Spring to get here (not fully understanding it lasts ~3 weeks), and G-d only knows the bitching that’ll start after 60 days of 95°+.
And give ’em a thumbs-up for taunting yoonyun tools. (A value I support wholeheartedly.)
Hell…i might even look at a used Outback if they had any in stock. (My SiL has an ’03 Outback she purchased new and loves; still looks and drives great.)
And in honor of our dear Fatwa, a letter Jerry sent this morning.
Dear (insert ridiculous sounding Russian name here),
Even though your note is stated as a demand rather than a negotiation and with all the savoir-faire of a Prussian autocrat, I will consider it a negotiation. Point by point:
1. (Company Jerry represents) was more than happy to assign the (largest state prison) contract including any follow-on’s up to and including the full price of the contract of $3,390,000. That meant that in addition to (sleazy Russian company’s) profit, (company Jerry represents) would assign (company Jerry represents) profit of $30,000 per unit. The first four units plus a possible 16 units will total approximately $600,000. Less the $243,000 owed by (company Jerry represents) would have meant an additional $357,000 in (sleazy Russian company) coffers.
2. (Company Jerry represents) was more than happy to assist (sleazy Russian company) in any and all current or proposed bid requests.
I say was because after yesterday’s stunning admission by (sleazy Russian company rep) that (sleazy Russian company) was actively working to undermine (company Jerry represents) relationships with its former employees and business relationships with its customers I’m not sure where we go from here. (Company Jerry represents) had been preparing a counter in good faith; it appears (sleazy Russian company) was not. I am in possession of (company Jerry represents) call logs and emails. Care to guess at their importance?
I have referred this matter to (company Jerry represents) outside counsel.
10 years ago
Happy Birthday, Fatwa!
It’s probably a good thing BrendaAmyK did not hire teh Welshman to perform live. It’s a bit chilly for just a thong today.
Top o’ teh mornin’ from Happy L-Eire-ville, GN!
Tune-in later to “Battle Of Teh Ethnic Stereotypes” to watch Paddy and me arm wrestle over the last of the corned beef!
Bottom-of-the-Evening to you from why-is-it-so-bloody-hot SoCal! It was 93° yesterday.

Love the thread pic, Mac!
Good morning, Fatwa!
I promise I won’t put cheese on all the corned beef, this time.
Here, have a beer!
Happy St. Pat’s Day, GN! I am getting my Green on and ready for my annual Cabbage and Potato Facial!
Hai, K8-E!
Must. Resist. Paddymode.
Hey…as long as it’s swiss, on rye with pickled cabbage, Russian dressing and properly grilled, it’s (sorta) kosher. 😉
And I’ll save that beer for later; heh.
Good morning from shaky SoCal! Two good jolts a few minutes ago. Appears to have hit in the SFV.
4.8 in Encino. Big enough to wake people up but probably not big enough to do any real damage.
G’morning, Sven!
Nothing like a temblor to get your attention early in the morning; glad it was a fairly mild one…and that you’re on solid rock.
Off to work--Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Il Douchey will probably cave on this: EU wants to ban European names for American-made cheeses.
If I were in-charge of rebranding in the U.S., I’m pretty sure I could discourage this idiocy really quickly:
Swiss = Scrupulously Neutral (Except Wherein Stolen Assets Are Concerned) Secretive Gnome Cheese
Feta = Bankrupt Mediterranean Butt-Pirate Cheese
Paneer = H1B Visa Programmer / Convenience Store Owner Cheese
Casu Marzu = Those Aren’t Sardines, They’re Squirming Maggots Cheese
Happy Birthday, Darling David! This next bit is something just for YOU — you should note that ‘Brenda’ is pronounced ‘Amy’, in Welsh (it’s a vowel thing).
I. R. Speechless.
(Which, in Welsh, is “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwll-llantysiliogogogoch”.)
You really shouldn’t have. No, really.
Cheers, BrendaPronounced”Amy”K!!1!!!1
Well, since it is Fatwa’s birfday AND there was a temblor in SoCal, I figured I’d kill two birds with an Earthquake Cake to mark the occasion!

We’re still riding the Texas Winter Weather rollercoaster out here: 50° one day, 80° the next. Those unfamiliar with Texas weather are bitching they can’t wait for Spring to get here (not fully understanding it lasts ~3 weeks), and G-d only knows the bitching that’ll start after 60 days of 95°+.
Anyway, Happy Birfday, Fatwa!
T’anks, TeX!
Who knew earthquakes came in chocolate??!?!?
It’s rainy and 39F here at present but will allegedly hit 70 by Friday; not holding my breath.
Fatwa, that made me laugh! I would go in there just to salute the creativity.
And give ’em a thumbs-up for taunting yoonyun tools. (A value I support wholeheartedly.)
Hell…i might even look at a used Outback if they had any in stock. (My SiL has an ’03 Outback she purchased new and loves; still looks and drives great.)
What tickles me most is it would only work because the union goons were too lazy to man their picket and just left the sign.
Drink wine in the morning, vomit Egyptian alphabet cereal breakfast!
And in honor of our dear Fatwa, a letter Jerry sent this morning.
Dear (insert ridiculous sounding Russian name here),
Even though your note is stated as a demand rather than a negotiation and with all the savoir-faire of a Prussian autocrat, I will consider it a negotiation. Point by point:
1. (Company Jerry represents) was more than happy to assign the (largest state prison) contract including any follow-on’s up to and including the full price of the contract of $3,390,000. That meant that in addition to (sleazy Russian company’s) profit, (company Jerry represents) would assign (company Jerry represents) profit of $30,000 per unit. The first four units plus a possible 16 units will total approximately $600,000. Less the $243,000 owed by (company Jerry represents) would have meant an additional $357,000 in (sleazy Russian company) coffers.
2. (Company Jerry represents) was more than happy to assist (sleazy Russian company) in any and all current or proposed bid requests.
I say was because after yesterday’s stunning admission by (sleazy Russian company rep) that (sleazy Russian company) was actively working to undermine (company Jerry represents) relationships with its former employees and business relationships with its customers I’m not sure where we go from here. (Company Jerry represents) had been preparing a counter in good faith; it appears (sleazy Russian company) was not. I am in possession of (company Jerry represents) call logs and emails. Care to guess at their importance?
I have referred this matter to (company Jerry represents) outside counsel.
Happy Birthday, Fatwa!
It’s probably a good thing BrendaAmyK did not hire teh Welshman to perform live. It’s a bit chilly for just a thong today.
K8-E & Jerry --
Thanks for teh well-wishes.
Mac --
There appears to be one goonion member in a red hoodie; wish I could see the expressions on the holders of the dealer’s sign’s faces. 😉
Jerry --
I enjoyed your yeb vas letter; especially the phrase “Prussian autocrat”.
My trip to Walmart this afternoon says otherwise. 😉
In honor of the day I’m having some Black Bushmills. Cheers.