Hey! Not everyone can afford a decent costume. Instead of making fun of him, the government should offer costume subsidies so no one is embarrassed to go to ComicCon. I’m sure that’s in the penumbra of the Constitution, or something.
G’morning from Happy -- and anniversary-celebratin’ -- Larryville, GN! Yes…it was three years ago today that BlushingBrideK and I exchanged vows. We had chocolate croissants for brekkie and tonight…
…we dine in ClevelandSnellville!!1!
Jerry --
Appreciated the tablet info, as I will be purchasing a relatively inexpensive one in the next couple of months.
TeX --
Glad to “see” ya; hope the Curse of the Four Ayem De-skunking Baths has been broken.
Greetings from deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelightful Bountiful.
I sure hope y’all are having a great day, ’cause you just know I’m NOT.
Today, September 19, will live in the annals of history as the day poor ol’ Jerry lost his beloved Brenda to a much less worthy man -- not that I’m bitter or anything.
Soooo, a begrudging Happy Anniversary to BrendaK and that other guy. Sniff.
You caused a double *snogglesnort* here in Happy (Anniversary) Larryville. And since we just returned from stuffing ourselves with Mexican food, vigorous snogglesnorting could potentially cause issues with the EPA…just sayin’.
Sorry to hear about teh dead truck. 🙁
T. Other Guy, Esq.
11 years ago
Later when I have more time, I’ll tell y’all about my week. It has a dead truck, a long walk, & flooring fun. (floors still aren’t done)
Thanks for all the anniverserary greetings -- we had a lovely dinner and Darling Fatwa was the designated driver so I got to have margaritas … with salt!
The wait guy left us unattended for tooooo long, so I started stacking condiments and stuff on the table on top of each other. Fatwa kept knocking over my towers of hot sauce. The salt and pepper shakers were surprisingly stable, though.
I’m pretty sure you had your hand on the underside of the table and were shaking it up. Surreptitiously like.
And besides — I have all the spoons. How can you snitch my flan if you have no spoons?! You can’t, that’s how.
Also ‘sides, you adore me. All I have to do is bat my eyelashes at you and the flan is mine, ALL MINE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha. You can’t help yourself! But, you know, I’ll share the flan. Because I love you right back.
Happy anniversary, BrendaK and Fatwa! I’m sorry I can’t be there to share in the festivities, but from the pictures it looks like y’all had a real good time!
How can you snitch my flan if you have no spoons?!
All of those spoons will do you no good whatsoever if you can’t find teh flan…whereas forks or straws can be used to consume flan. Your move, SweetheartK.
Oh, Paddy -- you should have been there. We got married by ‘Rev. Sam, The Marryin’ Man” and he was about 4 feet tall. An adorable, pocket-sized Reverend.
My ring fit just fine (I helped it along doing the sneaky thumb thing), but Fatwa’s was tight and he didn’t know about the thumb thing so we had to stop while he helped me get it on — his ring, I mean.
When Rev. Sam asked me if I agreed to marry Fatwa I replied, “Absolutely!” — and my friends from work laughed and allowed as that was pretty much exactly like me.
Fatwa was so handsome. Well, he still is, but he was seriously stylin’ that day.
Sure Happy It’s Thursday, Gerbil Nation!
Hey! Not everyone can afford a decent costume. Instead of making fun of him, the government should offer costume subsidies so no one is embarrassed to go to ComicCon. I’m sure that’s in the penumbra of the Constitution, or something.
I’m worried about that feller suffocating from the plastic bag on his head; did he not read the warning?
G’morning from Happy -- and anniversary-celebratin’ -- Larryville, GN! Yes…it was three years ago today that BlushingBrideK and I exchanged vows. We had chocolate croissants for brekkie and tonight…
…we dine in
Jerry --
Appreciated the tablet info, as I will be purchasing a relatively inexpensive one in the next couple of months.
TeX --
Glad to “see” ya; hope the Curse of the Four Ayem De-skunking Baths has been broken.
Yes, indeedy.
Moar laterz.
Hai, Paddy & Sven!
***extreme drive-by (no skunks, just been that kind of morning)***
Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. ArbuckleChipperkeyK!
Thanks, TeX!
Greetings from deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelightful Bountiful.
I sure hope y’all are having a great day, ’cause you just know I’m NOT.
Today, September 19, will live in the annals of history as the day poor ol’ Jerry lost his beloved Brenda to a much less worthy man -- not that I’m bitter or anything.
Soooo, a begrudging Happy Anniversary to BrendaK and that other guy. Sniff.
Neener neener neener…and thanks!
Poor ol’ Jerrie lost BK?
I lost both BK and Fatwa!
Top that.
Happy Anniversary to those wacky kids!
Hi, RabBeet!
Thanks…and har!!
You caused a double *snogglesnort* here in Happy (Anniversary) Larryville. And since we just returned from stuffing ourselves with Mexican food, vigorous snogglesnorting could potentially cause issues with the EPA…just sayin’.
Sorry to hear about teh dead truck. 🙁
T. Other Guy, Esq.
Later when I have more time, I’ll tell y’all about my week. It has a dead truck, a long walk, & flooring fun. (floors still aren’t done)
Thanks for all the anniverserary greetings -- we had a lovely dinner and Darling Fatwa was the designated driver so I got to have margaritas … with salt!
The wait guy left us unattended for tooooo long, so I started stacking condiments and stuff on the table on top of each other. Fatwa kept knocking over my towers of hot sauce. The salt and pepper shakers were surprisingly stable, though.
Harrumph! That’s a pernicious and scurrilous canard, madam…I never touched the table or condiments.
Good luck unearthing the flan now; muwahahahahahaha!
I’m pretty sure you had your hand on the underside of the table and were shaking it up. Surreptitiously like.
And besides — I have all the spoons. How can you snitch my flan if you have no spoons?! You can’t, that’s how.
Also ‘sides, you adore me. All I have to do is bat my eyelashes at you and the flan is mine, ALL MINE. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha. You can’t help yourself! But, you know, I’ll share the flan. Because I love you right back.
Happy anniversary, BrendaK and Fatwa! I’m sorry I can’t be there to share in the festivities, but from the pictures it looks like y’all had a real good time!

And who could forget how purdy Miss Brenda looked on her wedding day?
The Rabbi even wore his best leather jacket for the occasion!
The rings were truly works of art!
Hai, Paddy…and thanks for teh wishes.
All of those spoons will do you no good whatsoever if you can’t find teh flan…whereas forks or straws can be used to consume flan. Your move, SweetheartK.
The guest list was a veritable Who’s Who of Larryville!
And even though BrendaK and Fatwa wanted a simple croque en bouche of twinkies and ho-ho’s, K8 insisted on this grand creation.
Mmm, mmm -- that looks good enough to eat!
Oh, Paddy -- you should have been there. We got married by ‘Rev. Sam, The Marryin’ Man” and he was about 4 feet tall. An adorable, pocket-sized Reverend.
My ring fit just fine (I helped it along doing the sneaky thumb thing), but Fatwa’s was tight and he didn’t know about the thumb thing so we had to stop while he helped me get it on — his ring, I mean.
When Rev. Sam asked me if I agreed to marry Fatwa I replied, “Absolutely!” — and my friends from work laughed and allowed as that was pretty much exactly like me.
Fatwa was so handsome. Well, he still is, but he was seriously stylin’ that day.
Hey guys-and happy anniversary Brenda and Fatwa!!!!! Three years already-who would have thunk it?