This week in Captioning, there’s just too much to choose from. You gotchur Bengazi scandal still unfolding and it’s all below Hillary!’s pay grade; there’s Holder recusing himself from the AP phone records grab that he never knew nothin’ about; Geithner is completely ignorant of the I*S reign of terror and wasn’t even home that day anyway…and Obama found out about all of this from the evening news (and Colbert, no doubt).
So, how does all of this fall out? Well, my prediction is that the house sneaks their Immigration farce off to the Senate under the cover of Friday-night-document-dump secrecy. What do I know, though?
Members of The Club | Not In Club | ||
Obama | Holder | Hillary! | Teenie Weenie Excluded |
Go ahead, give us your best conspiracy theory, prediction or favorite insult. ‘S all good here at Friday Night Captioning where we Caption That!
*Used to foil Google searches, performed by unsavory characters for the purposes of targeting enemies of The State of Obama. Paranoid? BWAHAHAHAHAHA yes.